The great disappointment of modern masculinity is that there are so few mature, wise men to show us the way. Most men can admit they did not receive enough fathering; many feel that they grew from boys to men without much guidance. The ManKind Project cannot replace these missing elders, but it can empower men to father themselves and, in time, become the elders and fathers of the future. Together, we can positively change the future for other boys and young men. Together, we can positively change the way girls and women are impacted by boys and men. Together, we can play our part in creating a future we can feel proud of.
The Adventure is a modern male initiation and self-examination. We believe this is crucial to developing a healthy and mature male self, no matter how old a man is. It is the "hero’s journey" of classical literature and myth that has nearly disappeared in modern culture. We ask men to stop living vicariously through movies, television, addictions, and distractions, and step up into their own adventure—in real time and surrounded by other men.
MKP Croatia will organize first Croatian and Eastern European NWTA on October 10.-12.2025. More information on adventure will be available soon on this page.